Publisher: Sams ISBN: 0672326906 edition 2005 CHM 672 pages 74,23 mb
Did you know that all the tools you need to create great web pages are free, and they are built right into Windows XP or are available online? Sams Teach Yourself to Create Web Pages All in One will show you how to use these different tools to create a variety of web pages. Preston Gralla, best-selling author of more than two dozen books about computers and the Internet, and Matt Brown, editor of more than 20 Dreamweaver and Photoshop books, will walk you through how to quickly and inexpensively create certain types of popular web pages, such as:
* A personal or family home page
* eBay listings and shops to buy and sell merchandise
* Web logs to impart news, information and observations
If you are not looking to make a huge investment in software, technology or time, but you want to quickly and easily get up-to-speed on how to create basic types of web pages, Sams Teach Yourself to Create Web Pages All in One is just the book you've been waiting for!
* A personal or family home page
* eBay listings and shops to buy and sell merchandise
* Web logs to impart news, information and observations
If you are not looking to make a huge investment in software, technology or time, but you want to quickly and easily get up-to-speed on how to create basic types of web pages, Sams Teach Yourself to Create Web Pages All in One is just the book you've been waiting for!
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